Dreaming of Winter

It began with the simple charm of our winter visitors.
And had a slight hiccup along the way...
And oh...was it ever worth every stitch!

Pattern: Near Solstice by Bridget Rorem
Yarn: Jaggerspun Zephyr silk and merino laceweight, 5.9 oz.
Needles: Addi Turbo, US 0, 2.0mm
Time to knit: January 1 - September 10, 2010
Mods: I did my regular knit-on/lace cast on edge instead of the provisional cast-on used in the pattern. I just could not imagine having to go back in and do the sewn bind off recommended, and this one is every bit as stretchy and strong. (And takes considerably less time!)
My Thoughts: This was a wonderful knit. I've already spoken about how much I loved working on the pattern - the quiet, contemplative garter and the amusing bird tracks which added just enough of that extra spark to keep it interesting. It turned out to be the perfect balm for a sometimes troubled heart this summer, and I will always treasure the finished piece.
I know there is a mathematical formula out there for determining the total number of items in a sequence - such as the number of stitches in a shawl that decreases two stitches every other row. At one point during this process, I wanted to find that formula because I was burning with curiosity. After all, we started out with 599 stitches! However, I no longer care or need to know. In fact, I think I might be rather shocked if I actually knew how many stitches and how much time went into this project. As is, I enjoyed it thoroughly and value the time spent on every stitch.
My only concern is that the yarn will yellow. I did a store sample with this exact cone some years ago (which is why I ended up buying the almost-full cone when I was finished!). It is absolutely lovely to work with and produces a fantastic fabric that has beautiful drape and holds excellent stitch definition. But. The store sample yellowed atrociously, and I'm afraid this will too. The cone already bares some signs of it, and I'm not at all sure what to do to protect both it and the shawl. Thoughts and ideas?
I doubt this one will ever be worn...but I suspect it will end up hanging on a wall somewhere in my home. It is a true work of art, and deserves to be on display and appreciated!


Bonnie said…
So beautiful! I'm sure you'll always love this shawl, even if you do never wear it.

So sorry to hear that your Jaggerspun Zephyr is yellowing! I haven't had that problem with any of the colors of Zephyr I've used, including white. The white lace I knit with it three years ago shows no sign of yellowing. But now I will keep a close eye on it.
Sus said…
That shawl is totally charming. What a wonderful idea! I wish I had some suggestions to keep it from yellowing -- please pass along any solutions you come up with!
Paula said…
So beautiful! I think it would be a shame to hang it on a wall because after a short time things on walls fade into the background. It seems to be the perfect mantle for curling up with a good book. Like being wrapped by giant bird wings.
margene said…
No wonder you're waiting for winter. My goodness that shawl is beautiful (and big!). Protect it from the sun. While I'm not sure what's causing it to yellow, light may have something to do with it.
The Silverwood Family said…
Wow, it is wonderful! Your amazing talent really shines through in every thing you do. Congrats on getting it done, it truly is a work of art.
Leciawp said…
really awesome! it does belong on a wall.
Kathy said…
Wow, is that ever amazing! You're the only person on ravelry that has finished this.

I agree with others... don't hang it, wear it! :)
Gabriella said…
Lovely work!!!! You should definetly wear it!! :)

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