Today I Gave To The Green Woman
And all she wanted to do today was to play with fiber...
So I took out a beautiful 4 oz. braid of fiber - a merino/tencel blend from my new favorite fiber source, Greenwood Fiberworks - and then
I divided it into fingerling strips....
(Smart me, I actually bought 2 braids - and you see the second one here on the left.)
Which were so easy to spin that I had to do practically no work at all!
It was such a magical/fairy tale experience that before I knew it...
I had spun up the entire braid!
(Smart me, I actually bought 2 braids - and you see the second one here on the left.)
Trust me, it's perfect!
As I had spun up 3ish ozs of fiber earlier this week...
(That fiber was a gift from my friend Anne, and I'm sorry to say I can't immediately place my hands on the note that tells me of the fiber's origins.)
And a very Happy Green Woman.
Thank You Anne! The fiber she gifted me with was from Funky Carolina...and I promise to talk more about it when I present the finished yarn because it was lovely to work with!
(And it's Funky Carolina roving.) :)