Last night was supposed to be Mommy's Night Off.
If I had left just ten minutes earlier, I would have been ok.
Sean went to the store on the way home, and then I - as usual - spent a good 20 minutes visiting with him before I left. I left a good 20-30 minutes later than I normally do.
Half way to the coffee shop the skies opened up in a torrential downpour. There was no way I was going to get into the coffee place without being drenched. Even if I'd had an umbrella, it was raining so hard I wouldn't have been able to protect my knitting bags. (Yep, had two.) So I turned around and went home.
I don't mind fessing up to the fact that I was in a foul mood when I got home. Mommy's Night Off is VERY important to me. Plus, I've had headaches all week because of the storm system. My poor family had to watch me stomp around for a bit.
Eventually, though, I accepted my lot. I stayed in my room -doing a repeat on the Princess edging and working for a bit on a new project (see below) - until the girls went to bed. Then I hunted in my fabric drawer for a piece of black costume velvet, and I went to the kitchen table so that I could string beads.
I spent three hours at the table, and I LOVED every minute of it. I listened to 'The Tudors' on my iPod, turned down low enough so that I could also listen to the rain, while happily stringing pretty, pretty beads. First up - I restrung the second bead stew bracelet. My audiobook was so distracting that I actually managed random pretty well. I stirred the beads, poured them onto the velvet and then used a piece of cardstock to draw them into a line. I made sure the leaves were evenly distributed, thinned the line to about 1/2 inch wide, and jumped right in. I think I'll knit it up today.
Then I prepared another bracelet. This one is Bauble, from Knitty, in the Quiet Pond collection from Earth Faire. Truthfully, I hadn't intended to get this kit way back when as I hadn't been that fond of the bracelet. When I saw those turtle and frog beads, though.....well, let's just say I fell fast and hard. The fun thing was that I actually got to arrange the big beads in a pattern, which made my crazy OCD self very, very happy. I'll probably knit this one up today too!
The new project I mentioned is Damsen...more info to come later. I started it because I needed a very easy take along project. It also works when I need a break from something more difficult - like the Princess. As I'm working to keep my gauge loose on it, it also is a nice break from my mindless socks. I'm referring to it as my quiet knitting.
I mentioned a few days ago that I had started another pair of socks. This is my pair of 'desk socks' - so named because the live on my desk, and I do a few stitches now and then when I have a moment. Yep, they'll take forever, but I don't mind. The yarn is yummy, and they are filling their purpose of giving my hands something to do!
If I had left just ten minutes earlier, I would have been ok.
Sean went to the store on the way home, and then I - as usual - spent a good 20 minutes visiting with him before I left. I left a good 20-30 minutes later than I normally do.
Half way to the coffee shop the skies opened up in a torrential downpour. There was no way I was going to get into the coffee place without being drenched. Even if I'd had an umbrella, it was raining so hard I wouldn't have been able to protect my knitting bags. (Yep, had two.) So I turned around and went home.
I don't mind fessing up to the fact that I was in a foul mood when I got home. Mommy's Night Off is VERY important to me. Plus, I've had headaches all week because of the storm system. My poor family had to watch me stomp around for a bit.
Eventually, though, I accepted my lot. I stayed in my room -doing a repeat on the Princess edging and working for a bit on a new project (see below) - until the girls went to bed. Then I hunted in my fabric drawer for a piece of black costume velvet, and I went to the kitchen table so that I could string beads.