Making Glorious Lemonade
Since we couldn't do what we wanted to do this weekend...what we had planned on doing for so very long....
And still am pretty sad about not being able to do...
We decided to turn our lemons into something good, by having a family day...
At the Zoo! (Which was less than 5 minutes from where we needed to go to pick up our race packets and shirts. I worked darn hard, and I deserve that shirt!)
Maps were very big today. Who would have thought that such a thing could be so interesting to small children?
Daddy kept everyone in line.
Our trip to the zoo ended with a visit to the gift shop. The hats were hilarious - but didn't come home with us. (Whew.)
I've got two very tired girls and an exhausted husband.
It was a very good day.
PS. Why didn't anyone tell me about my massive spelling error!