The Monday List
I was right to keep my list on the fairly simple side last week. It was crazy - mostly because my husband was home most of the time and so our regular schedule was out the window!
By the end of last Monday, I had reduced my Needs list to just three items. Obviously, the Halloween costumes were finished - much to every one's relief. Even better, I did manage to clean the Pixie's room last week in a fit of frenzied productivity. I was fortunate enough to end up with a decent chunk of time on Thursday to work on her room when she wasn't home, thanks to my mother in law, and so not only did I clean the room but I also boxed up a whole bunch of toys that have been outgrown and threw away a bunch of junk. I'm so happy about the way Pixie's room looks now that I get a bit giddy every time I walk by! I took care of the last item during a conversation with my husband at our anniversary dinner. We also had a fairly long conversation about our Christmas plans, so hey! - it may not have been romantic, but it did accomplish quite a bit! I did get a fair amount of knitting done along the way, too, and we'll perhaps talk about that later this week.
This week's list...because believe it or not, it does keep me on track!
The Needs:
- We are going to have our picture taken at church on Wed. for the family directory, and I need to pull together spiffy clothes for all of us. Doesn't sound like something that needs this much forethought....but you'd be surprised.
- Put together my game for my P.E.O. meeting on Thursday. Our original program provider moved away a couple of months ago, and I'm winging it with a getting-to-know-you sort of game. I asked my sisters to send me three facts about themselves, and I'm having a whole lot of fun getting their responses!
- Finish up a couple of small projects - including the Pixie's latest pair of socks.
- Start the Christmas knitting!
The Wants:
- Prepare the spinning fiber and
- Also redo my embroidery pattern and start again.
- Continue working on the new journal project....which I now have a few ideas for.
The Wishes:
- I'm feeling remarkably content right now, and so we'll just leave this one at peace.
Have a Great Week Everyone!