The Monday List
And without further ado, let's take a look at last week....
I'm happy to say that the only thing I didn't do in the 'Needs' section last week was to work on my series about my creative beginnings. Far from actually working on that, I seem to be actively avoiding it. That requires some thought....
Absolutely nothing got accomplished on either of the other lists, so there's just no point in revisiting that!
For this week:
The Needs:
- Take the car in for inspection and renew the plates. It's not exciting, but I did manage to procrastinate it until almost the last moment. Whoops.
- Continue training....the 10K is on Saturday and I can't wait!
- Finish my Deep in the Woods shawl. I'm in another 'finishing up' sort of mood, having discovered that I really can't start anything new until a couple of things - including this project - are finished.
- Clean the kitchen, living room and hall bathroom thoroughly for our company this week.
- Have the Princess write her first-ever official thank you note.
- Begin the pre-Christmas clean-out of the girls' rooms.
- And now for a shock....give in to the Green Woman's demands and start a sweater for myself.
The Wants:
- Write a letter. I just listened to the audio version of an epistolary novel (one of my favorite forms) and I'm just in the mood.
- A fun shopping trip with my BKB....necessary because I need some shoes. At this point, it's a go, but you never know when kids are involved!
- Set up the sewing machine so that I can start working on either more project bags or my quilt.
The Wishes:
Heck, it's going to be a busy week....I think I'm going to let go of any wishes this week.
Have a great week!
By the way, the Green Woman is still MIA....but she did leave an embroidery book on my bed last night....