The Best Mother's Day Ever
About six years ago, my husband and I made a deal. If he would get up with the kid(s) on Saturday morning and let me sleep in, than I would let him sleep in on Sundays. It's been a bargain that has worked well for us - often allowing me to catch up on some much-needed sleep. Indeed, on Saturday I stayed in bed very late after a week of poor sleep.
I was thus very surprised and delighted when my sweet husband told me to stay in bed yesterday. He got up with the girls and made whole wheat chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. When they were ready, I found this very sweet setting ready for me at the table.
Technically, my Mother's Day surprises started on Friday when Sean brought me this gorgeous orchid instead of cut flowers. A wise move...the blooms will most likely last for three months, and I've never seen this particular color and pattern before. Orchids are my favorites, and this one will bring me great joy.
Those little flower boxes revealed some new jewelry. When Sean asked me what I wanted to do for Mother's Day, I had chosen to be very direct. I wanted 'handmade cards from the kids, not to have to cook (although I didn't care if that meant he cooked or we went out) and some sort of frivolous gift that didn't have anything to do with knitting.' Sounds silly, but when you live on a tight budget, sometimes you just want something that isn't a need. I think he did a great job picking out these three pieces. I just wish my camera did a better job of close-ups so that you could see how pretty the colors really are!
The real treasures are the gifts from the girls. My mother-in-law took the girls for two hours on Saturday to help them make little books for me. The funny thing is that she did something similar last year, and yet when she called to ask if she could have them Saturday morning I didn't think anything of it! The fabric card is from the Princess, who received a sewing kit from her great-aunt a couple of weeks ago and had been itching for a chance to use it. I wasn't allowed into the basement two Saturdays ago for the entire day while she worked diligently on it. Not pictured are the yarn octopus that Gana helped the Princess make and a several story books that she made at school.
But really, my favorite part of the day was our family walk on the MKT trail. It was a gorgeous day, and I wanted to be outside with my family. We did a 4 mile hike on a portion of the trail that I hadn't seen before. It was perfect.
At home, we set the girls up with a movie so that we could take our Sunday afternoon nap - a tradition that goes back to the early days of our marriage and still feels like a luxury. When we woke, I made granola bars with my eldest while my husband fixed his special spaghetti for dinner. I ended the day knitting in bed. As I said, it was the best Mother's Day EVER!