Monday List....What Monday List?
I also can't believe that I forgot to do my weekly list. I was just so busy trying to finish up that silly project that my poor blog fell to the wayside....much to the Green Woman's disgust.
So here goes.
Last week:
1. The sample thing went in the mail yesterday. Continued problems with the pattern delayed it a bit longer than I had hoped - despite working almost exclusively on it all week. I'm really glad it's over, and even more than that I'm really glad that the designer is happy with the outcome. (I emailed pictures yesterday.) My BKB also did a project for this designer, and it went in the box along with mine. Interestingly enough, I would knit her project in a heartbeat.
2. The girls' rooms are not clean...BUT. We cleaned most of the Princess's things out of her room following a nasty temper tantrum a couple of weeks ago. We're using the time to get her to pick up what's left as part of earning back her things. It's really working well, and so at this point I'm not in a hurry. It'll get done as it gets done....and she'll learn some valuable lessons along the way.
3. & 4. I did finish spinning up my crazy batt, and I've selected which one will be next. I just haven't started yet. (See #1)
5. I did make some progress on three projects, and I'm still happy with my putz-along knitting plan. It's nice to be relaxed about it for once.
6. & 7. I didn't swatch for the princess or sew anything. (See also #1)
As to my health goals - I had a rocky start to the week due to Mother Nature, but it was still a start. I'm feeling much better about a lot of things, and am very hopeful that I will be able to make some significant progress over the coming weeks and months. Significantly helping is the fact that a blog friend reached out and offered to be a WW buddy. I'm going to put this issue back in the closet for a while, but I will do periodic updates.
And, on to this week's list:
- Get started with the next spinning project.
- Swatch for the Princess shawl.
- Make progress on NaKniSweMoDo #4.
- Post about color - an idea that's been percolating for a while.
- Perhaps finish one of my WIP's.
- SEW! I'm in the mood....time to get to it!
Short and that's all that's left of my week!
PS. After I initially posted this, I read through my morning blogs and found this simply brilliant post. Soule Mama is one of my favorites, and this is exactly the type of Mom I want to be!