The Monday Morning List
And without further ado, I present this week's list.
1. Complete the front pieces of Forestry. I have this crazy goal of finishing it for our next Knitter's meeting, which is in two weeks. This may or may not be possible - depending on how this week goes. (I'd also like to finish the Pixie's sweater, but I'm not delusional enough to think I can do both over the next two weeks.)
2. Frog the brown shawl with beads. I started this one quite a while ago, and put it down to wait for some needles that I had ordered. (I was experimenting with KnitPicks Harmony circs.) By the time the needles arrived, I had moved on. I picked it up this weekend again and realized that the beads were just not right for this particular project. Plus, I have a lot of brown on the needles right now, and am longing for color. I still want to do this shawl, but I think I need to pick different materials. I am actually still quite smitten with the yarn/bead combo, so I think I'll look for another project for them later on.
3. Sew up my drawstring bags. I have between four and ten to make - depending on how carried away I get. I washed the fabric last week, so it's ready to go. They're quick, and they're easy....and I really want to get them done asap.
4. Continue to work on MS4. I'm afraid that if I don't keep current I'll not finish it. Besides, I believe we are getting the theme this week!
5. Rebuild the exercise schedule - which will require some creative thinking to work around the rainy weather we're going to be getting.
6. No sugar. Period. Along with that, I'll be sticking with the WW Core Plan. Sigh.
7. I've been making slow adjustments to the pantry since making that a goal last week - but not enough to have made it workable yet. Having conquered all of the rest of the clutter last week, this week it's time to finally conquer the pantry.
8. Again with the spin something, spin ANYTHING.
9. Make sure to keep the house as clean as it is now, and continue to work with my Princess in her room cleaning efforts. (And I have to say, I'm VERY proud of all of the work she did last week.)
10. Continue getting up at 6 for an hour of quiet time before the day starts. It's a bit harder now that it's dark and considerably cooler...but my day is sooo much better when I do this. Generally, I spend the time on my deck with a cup of tea and my journal. It may get too cold to stay outside this week, and so part of the challenge is in finding somewhere else in the house that gives me the same sense of peace.
Happy Monday everyone!