Convention Knitting
I had the privilege over this last weekend of attending the Missouri State Chapter P.E.O. Convention. I am currently serving in my first year as president of my chapter, and as this is the first time I've been president it was also my first trip to convention. I'm a second generation P.E.O., and so this was a very big deal for me.
True to form, the first thing I packed was my knitting bag, and, as wonderful as the weekend was in many ways, I wound up being very grateful that I had taken it along.
For starters, I did a really dumb thing. I managed to forget to eat lunch before I left on Friday, and had not had a substantial breakfast. By the time I arrived at the hotel - after a three hour drive - I was more than a little bit cranky. I had a couple of hours to kill before the official start of convention, so I holed up in my hotel room to work on this:
This is about five inches of the Pixie's Ripples In Time sweater. It was exactly what I needed to work off my jitters and my bad attitude.
I also took along my Jeweled Step socks, which came out during a very long luncheon on Saturday. I had worked frantically on them last week to get them up past the heel so that all I had to do was the leg. I managed almost an inch and a half during that luncheon....and I'm not sure I would have stayed awake if I hadn't had that sock to work on!
True to form, the first thing I packed was my knitting bag, and, as wonderful as the weekend was in many ways, I wound up being very grateful that I had taken it along.
For starters, I did a really dumb thing. I managed to forget to eat lunch before I left on Friday, and had not had a substantial breakfast. By the time I arrived at the hotel - after a three hour drive - I was more than a little bit cranky. I had a couple of hours to kill before the official start of convention, so I holed up in my hotel room to work on this:
I also took along my Jeweled Step socks, which came out during a very long luncheon on Saturday. I had worked frantically on them last week to get them up past the heel so that all I had to do was the leg. I managed almost an inch and a half during that luncheon....and I'm not sure I would have stayed awake if I hadn't had that sock to work on!