The Good Stuff
And now, without further ado.....the contents of my knitting bag!
1. Forest Path Stole by Faina Letoutchaia, Interweave Knits, Summer 2003. I actually purchased the America's Alpaca Suri Elegance several months after the pattern was published, but for some reason the yarn has languished in my stash since then. I decided that this particular beast in the bag needed to be conquered this summer.
2. Technically known as the "Scarf With the No. 20 Edging" in Jane Sowerby's excellent Victorian Lace Today, I renamed it after its Claudia Hand Painted silk lace yarn.
3. Frolicking Shamrocks, by Heartstrings Fiber Arts. This is the second pair of these socks that I've made, which is extremely rare of me.
4. Hanging Garden Stole by Sivia Harding. Sometime I will tell the story of the skunk v. my first attempt at this one. Not today.
5. These are just basic socks - a la Ann Budd - for my Dad. They are my carry-a-long project for my purse, so they will probably be on the needles for a long, long time.
6. (Not so) Tweed Jacket with Cable Beret. I love Debbie Bliss, but I hate the way her patterns are written. This one is being heavily altered.
7. Another hibernating project, this time Elsebeth Lavold's Raven. I love the yarn and love the pattern, but just haven't been in the mood to knit sweaters lately.