Farewell and Godspeed
My friends,
Iin the coming days I would like you to take the time to tell your loved ones just how much they mean to you. Hold them close, and appreciate each and every moment you have together.
Life is a precious, fragile thing.
12 days ago one of my husband's oldest and best friends suffered a massive stroke at the age of 40. Despite the very best of care, the damage proved too great, and this evening Eric passed away,
surrounded by his friends and family.
Eric is leaving behind two small children and a wife who is expecting their third. He was a loving husband, a devoted father, and a good friend. In fact, he was just the type of person about whom a bad word was never spoken. The world lost something special tonight.
And our hearts are broken.
If you are so inclined, prayers for the Jansing family would be appreciated.
Also, if you haven't already done so, please consider becoming an organ donor. Eric was, and his final act of generosity is bringing great comfort to his family and friends.
Love to you all,
Iin the coming days I would like you to take the time to tell your loved ones just how much they mean to you. Hold them close, and appreciate each and every moment you have together.
Life is a precious, fragile thing.
12 days ago one of my husband's oldest and best friends suffered a massive stroke at the age of 40. Despite the very best of care, the damage proved too great, and this evening Eric passed away,
surrounded by his friends and family.
Eric is leaving behind two small children and a wife who is expecting their third. He was a loving husband, a devoted father, and a good friend. In fact, he was just the type of person about whom a bad word was never spoken. The world lost something special tonight.
And our hearts are broken.
If you are so inclined, prayers for the Jansing family would be appreciated.
Also, if you haven't already done so, please consider becoming an organ donor. Eric was, and his final act of generosity is bringing great comfort to his family and friends.
Love to you all,