2025 Books - February!
I don't ordinarily do themed months, but after the first two books, I decided to take on the theme of "Female Rage." From stories of girls stuck in impossible situations to romances centered on the sufferage movement to a series about a young woman taking on a corrupt and oppressive regime and more....this was the month to fight back. 1. Witchcraft for Wayward Girls, Grady Hendrix - Once in a while I go to Skylark and ask my dear friend Carrie to tell me what to read next. This always goes extraordinarily well for me. Not only have Carrie and I been friends for years and years, but she is also the best bookseller on the planet. So when she hands me a book, I take it home and jump into it as quickly as I'm able. My, oh my, is this ever a powerful book. Technically it's a Gothic horror novel, but it's so, so much more than that. A group of girls at a home for unwed mothers is given a book on witchcraft...and learns how to use i...